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Sarama Signs MOU Over West Australian Gold Project

Sarama Resources Ltd. (“Sarama” or the “Company”) (ASX:SRR, TSX- V:SWA) is pleased to announce that it has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Cosmo Gold Limited (“Cosmo”) and Adelong Gold Limited (“Adelong”) to acquire rights to the Cosmo Newbery Project (the “Project”), located in Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, which have historically been highly prospective.

The acquisition will be subject to completion of due diligence, execution of a definitive agreement and satisfaction of certain Conditions Precedent including but not limited to, shareholder and stock exchange approvals and assignment of land access agreements. The MOU contemplates that Sarama will acquire this interest through a combination of share and cash payments and tenement expenditure. The Key Commercial Terms and Conditions Precedent are set out in Schedule 1 to this news release.


Located between Laverton and Gold Road Resources’ Gruyere gold mine
One of the last effectively unexplored greenstone belts in Western Australia
Land access impediments restricted modern exploration
Land access obtained with Agreements in place with Traditional Owners and Ministerial Consent

About the Cosmo Newbery Project

The Project is comprised of 7 early-stage gold exploration properties located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. The Project is located approximately 85km northeast of Laverton and is readily accessible via the Great Central Road which services the Cosmo Newbery Community and the >7Moz Gruyere Gold Mine, 95km to the east.

The Project is situated on one of the last unexplored greenstone belts in Western Australia and it has seen virtually no modern exploration or drilling of merit, with only soil sampling and limited RAB drilling being undertaken and no holes deeper than 32m vertically below surface. The Project tenure is contiguous and covers approximately 583km2 and the entire +50km extent of the greenstone belt (the “Cosmo Newbery Belt”).

The Cosmo Newbery Belt represents a large and prospective system with gold first being discovered in the area in the 1890’s. Multiple historical gold workings are documented within the Project area and work undertaken to date, has identified multiple exploration targets for follow up.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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